The power of power: Electrokinetic control of PAH interactions with exfoliated graphite. J Qin, A Moustafa, H Harms, MG El-Din, LY Wick. Journal of hazardous materials 288, 25-33
Probing the Adsorption of Weak Acids on Graphite Using Amplitude Modulation–Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy. AMA Moustafa, J Huang, KN McPhedran, H Zeng, M Gamal El-Din. Langmuir 31 (10), 3069-3075
Investigation of Mono/Competitive Adsorption of Environmentally Relevant Ionized Weak Acids on Graphite: Impact of Molecular Properties and Thermodynamics. AMA Moustafa, KN McPhedran, J Moreira, M Gamal El-Din. Environmental science & technology 48 (24), 14472-14480
Impact of polymeric membrane filtration of oil sands process water on organic compounds quantification. AMA Moustafa, ES Kim, A Alpatova, N Sun, S Smith, S Kang, MG El-Din. Water Sci. Technol 70 (5), 771-779
Effects of exposure to oil sands process-affected water from experimental reclamation ponds on Chironomus dilutes. J Anderson, SB Wiseman, A Moustafa, MG El-Din, K Liber, JP Giesy. Water Research 46 (6), 1662-1672
Effectiveness of ozonation treatment in eliminating toxicity of oil sands process-affected water to Chironomus dilutes. JC Anderson, SB Wiseman, N Wang, A Moustafa, L Perez-Estrada. Environmental science & technology 46 (1), 486-493
M., Liber, K., Giesy, JP, 2012b. Effects of exposure to oil sands process-affected water from experimental reclamation ponds on Chironomus dilutes. JC Anderson, SB Wiseman, A Moustafa, ED Gamal. Water Res 46 (6), 1662-1672
Physico-Chemical Processes. P Chelme-Ayala, A Afzal, N Ding, A Moustafa, P Pourrezaei, A Alpatova. Water Environment Research 84 (10), 971-1028
Physico-Chemical Processes. A Afzal, P Pourrezaei, N Ding, A Moustafa, G Hwang, P Drzewicz, ES Kim. Water Environment Research 83 (10), 994-1091
Physico-chemical processes. P Pourrezaei, A Afzal, N Ding, M Islam, A Moustafa, P Chelme-Ayala. Water Environment Research 82 (10), 997-1072
The use of the exfoliated graphite for the removal of the aqueous naphthenic acids. A Moustafa, S Kang, MG El-Din. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 7, 499-524